Maintained by Robert Hockett
Welcome to Capital Futures, a Site dedicated to Financially Engineering Ever More Just and Remunerative, Labor-Owned Modes of Production and Distribution in the Spirit of Hamilton, Hilferding, Lincoln, List, Luxemburg, Marx, Perkins and Wicksell, Among Other Heroes of Human Emancipation.
Noncomparabilities & Nonstandard
Logics, NeoAristotelian Philosophy of Action, Action-Theory-Informed Legal & Political Theory, Distributive Justice Theory & Meta-Theory, Distribution-Focused & Recursive Social Welfare Functions, Purging Pareto & Paretianism from Normative Economic & Political Theory, and More.
Recursive Collective Action Problems, Endogenous Credit-Money Theory, Rousseauvian State Money Theory, Capital Theory, Systemically Important Price Theory, Central Banking and Public Finance Theory, the Public-Private Franchise Account of Both the Corporation and Modern Banking & Finance, and More.
Real Arrow Securities for All, The Eminent Domain Plan for Underwater Mortgage Writedowns, Extended Fed Open Market Operations in All Markets with Systemically Important Prices, Digital Greenbacks & the Democratic Digital Dollar, 'Spreading the Fed,' the Green New Deal, Share-Spreading 'Labor Capitalism,' and More.
Legislation & Testimony on the Plans and Schemes Cited Above. Ranging from the Eminent Domain Plan for Underwater Mortgages, through Public 'Citizens' Ledger' Banking for All and a 'People's Portfolio' for System-Wide Price Stabilization, to Redesigning Our Public Institutions to Enable Perpetual National Development, and More
Columns, OpEds, Occasional Journalism
I'm no Marx or Keynes, but like them I do try to accompany most of my scholarly, policy advocacy, and legislative work with more accessible journalistic companion pieces. Here are some of my regular columns for Forbes, The Hill, FT, and Huffington Post, along with other occasional journalism.
The Green New Deal
The Green New Deal initiative begun in 2018 marked the beginning of a return to ambitious public-private coordination in the cause of rebuilding the American economy along more just, productive, and sustainable lines. Hockett worked with Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and her team from the start on the GND Resolution introduced to Congress in early 2019, then on the initiative's finance plan as well as much follow-up legislation found in the 'Legislation' Module of this site.
Karl Heinrich Marx FRSA was a German philosopher, political-economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, critic of political economy, and socialist revolutionary. His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto and the four-volume Das Kapital. No intellect of which I'm aware has equalled his, and no human being has given or sacrificed more for the cause of comprehensive human liberation than Karl and Jenny Marx, my 'hero-couple' since secondary school.
C.L.R. James was a Trinidadian philosopher, journalist, activist and artist. A founding figure in the 20th century anti-colonial Marxian movement, his 'World Revolution' on the Third International and 'Black Jacobins,' on the Haitian Revolution are widely read to this day.
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