
Karl Marx

Karl Heinrich Marx FRSA was a German philosopher, political-economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, critic of political economy, and socialist revolutionary. His best-known titles are the 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto and the four-volume Das Kapital. No intellect of which I'm aware has equalled his, and no human being has given or sacrificed more for the cause of comprehensive human liberation than Karl and Jenny Marx, my 'hero-couple' since secondary school.

Case Studies

I. 'High' Theory: Logic, Justice, & 'Welfare Economics'

Papers in High-Level Model Theory and Nonstandard Logical Theory, Neo-Aristotelian Temporally Extended Action Theory, Distributive Justice Theory, and Welfare Economic Theory.

Image: Hockett at one of his Oxford haunts, 2018.

Intensional & Other Nonstandard Logics, Applications in Ethical, Social, & Political Theory

These papers employ nonstandard logics to model noncomparabilities, indeterminacies, and uncertainties, which are rife not only in ethical theory but also in political theory, social theory, and social science -including economics.

Vilfredo Pareto, Walras's successor as leader of the Lausanne School of economics, was a misanthrope who inhabited an inherited castle he shared only with cats. He later supported Mussolini.

Purging Paretianism

These papers demonstrate the incompatibility of Paretianism with any principled normative stance whatever, be it in ethical, political, or welfare economic theory.

Image: 'Justice,' 19th Century French sculpture.

Distributive Justice Theory & Meta-Theory

These papers map out a unique 'metatheoretical' approach to Justice Theory by attending carefully to the case grammar of infinitives such as 'to distribute,' 'to allocate,' and their cognates. They also show, in virtue of the interformulability of equalizing and maximizing social welfare functions, that many theories that appear on the surface to be at odds are in fact deeply convergent upon a single, productive-opportunity-egalitarian distribution norm.

Image: Byzantine Sundial, Late Medieval Period.

Temporally Extended Agency & Ordered Decision-Making through Time

These papers develop the themes of temporally extended agency and choice and decision in real time, showing how accounts of both these matters and justice that incorporate temporality and corporeality are inherently both more plausibly premised and yielding of more intuitively satisfactory normative conclusions.

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